The important thing to remember is websites are not about technology. They are about facilitating people’s decision-making process. 

Websites help people get their needs met, through you. The majority of the effort and cost that goes into a website is not necessarily design or programming.

The real effort and expenses are in:

  • Development of your brand identity
  • Research and planning
  • Developing your sales messaging and voice
  • Creating content needed to engage, educate and indoctrinate


The graphic design and programming are often much smaller components of a web marketing program than people realise. When you go looking for someone to help you build a website, the last things to focus on are design and technology.

Focus on how you will achieve your business objectives. Then choose a technology that enables you and supports your business plan.

Stay focused on what makes sense for you and your business.

Now that you’ve done your homework, you can focus on all the content development, graphic design and programming needed to produce a website. The difference is, you’ll be well prepared to direct the development with a clear sense of purpose and a good chance of success.

The days of creating an online brochure about your business are over. Investing in a digital presence requires planning.

If you get prepared now, you won’t have to kick yourself later for not doing it. If you need help, we’ll be happy to walk you through it.


Data-Driven Marketing. Conversion-Driven Results.
We don’t think in regards to just campaigns. We think in terms of growth frameworks, where all aspects and entities of your business are working together to provide a cohesive and irresistible brand experience.