7) What Will User Behavior Look Like?

How will you make it easy to buy from you?


This is where mapping a visitor’s path through your website becomes important. In industry jargon, this is called use case mapping. People get their needs met by completing target actions. When they do so, you get your needs met as well, in the form of sales leads and sales.

To create a visitor use case, you need to step through the journey they would take on your website. Here are some questions to consider:

It’s a good idea to write/draw these sequences out step-by-step in a flow chart style. Put yourself in your user’s shoes!

When you are at the stage of trying to increase conversion rates, your priorities shift from being aware of who you are (being understood), making sure visitors are meeting their goals (seamless user journey).

The challenge with figuring out use cases is they’re built on assumptions - which happen to be the answers to the questions you’ve been contemplating. Once this has been thought through, you can do a better job of visualizing the user process.

  • Where will they land?
  • What will they do next?
  • Are All Of Their Questions Being Answered?
  • What is the path they need to follow to get their needs met?

79% of users who don’t find what they are looking for on one website, will go on searching on other websites.